I had never heard of Jing. It is completely new to me. It took me a while to figure it out, but it can be really useful. Our district is really pushing the use of technology in our classrooms and sometimes it's hard to get all students on the same page. With Jing you can create a tutorial for students to watch which will guide them through whatever steps they need to achieve for a particular task. It was really difficult to get all students to find their folder on Norway server. I can just create a tutorial to finding their Norway folder and let them loose.
Skype is great! I use it sometimes to call family in Colombia. The video conference tool is really nice. As far as educational use for skype, well it really brings everyone together. Student can have a call with other students and exchange ideas or ask questions. Student ability to collaborate with others is incredibly important, and Skype is a great way to encourage that collaboration. Teachers from our district can agree to work on a particular project in teams consisting of students from different schools. With all of these great tools, collaboration is becoming easier.
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